Always a pre-summer favourite, the Humboldt Vintage Club’s Show and Shine is back on Sunday, May 26 with a collection of great classics and modern automotive marvels.  

Les Hilgers with the Vintage Club is the organizer, and he details all the great things happening.  

This will be a huge year for us. We have a car appraiser coming on site who is accredited with SGI, so you can get your vehicles appraised. We have about four really neat semis coming back out along with some car clubs attending.” 

 The draw for the beef raffle and barbecue will be happening that day, and the always popular elephant ears will be back in all its doughy fried golden glory.  

It’s also a great time to check out the Vintage Club’s regular offerings, including vintage machinery and farming equipment and the tea house which will be open with refreshments. The canteen will be open throughout the event from 11 am to 3 pm.  

Whether it’s motorcycles, classics, modified, kit cars – it'll all be on display at the Vintage Club Show and Shine on May 26. To find out about entering your vehicle, call Les at (306) 231-7607 or Randy Albers at (306) 231-0797.