The community of Watrous is just another in the line of centres dealing with the rain and it's adverse affects.

They were one of the hardest hit areas in all of Saskatchewan Monday, Mayor Ed Collins gives us an update from there Tuesday afternoon.

"It subsiding a little bit but it's rained all day again today but certainly Monday was the big day when we had anywhere from three to four inches depending on where you live around our area or town so it created some anxious moments for a lot of folks."

Collins says people are dealing with basement flooding and sewer back ups.

"We have a number of basements with either water damage, seepage, we have some sewer back up, we have a little bit of everything."

They will hold a town council meeting Wednesday morning to discuss their plans to battle back, Collins didn't say they would go as far as declaring a state of emergency but they do need to put a motion together to get in on government assistance.

He said now they are simply in defense mode as things clear up Wednesday.

"They're trying to protect their personal property and their residences as best as they can for what we're doing. We're doing some extra pumping and we've some folks hired to do some extra pumping out of our sewer system trying to alleviate some pressure and we've done that somewhat, it's certainly better now."

Photos from The Watrous Manitou/Facebook.