As someone who has recently been affected by cancer I was thrilled to find two ladies such as Karen Siermachesky and Karen Weiman who were willing to share their stories so openly and passionately. 

Both these ladies are survivors of breast cancer and are participating in the upcoming CIBC Run For The Cure. They have been working together as a team with family and friends to raise money for the run in hopes of be a change maker and creating a better outcome for those diagnosed with breast cancer.

I applaud these ladies for their strength and courage to face each day and try to make a difference for others diagnosed with cancer.

If you want to learn more about CIBC Run For The Cure or to join or donate to their team click here.


As I sat and listened to their stories about their diagnosis and their outcomes it makes me happy to know that cancer is not always a killer. Cancer can be fought and defeated. In my situation I was not as lucky but hearing this makes things that much easier each day.