From now until the Christmas Break HCI has some great events coming up.

Next Tuesday, December 19th the school will be having HCI's version of "Christmas Dinner" as there'll be foods like sub sandwiches, salad, and a few other things that you'd normally have for Christmas Dinner. This event will take place at lunch that day.

I'm excited about the event Next Friday, December 22nd on the last day of School where the Grade 12s coached by me will take on the teachers of HCI in the annual Staff vs Students hockey game. Of course, I'm not gonna tell you what my game plan is to beat the teachers but I like to coach a 70s style of Hockey Game. I'm basically a Don Cherry type of hockey coach. I can't wait to make my debut behind the bench in that game. 

Also, the 22nd is a shortened day of school as it is the last day before Christmas break so students will be let out of school at 2:30 or whenever the Hockey Game ends in the afternoon. Classes will resume January 8th with final exams beginning January 25th and ending on the 30th. Then after a day off on the 31st, Semester 2 will begin on February 1st. 

As for the sporting teams at HCI, both basketball teams are on the road playing their last tournaments before the break. 

And HCI got some exciting news this week as HCI will be hosting the 2019 Provincial Boys Curling Championships. This will mark the third consecutive year a provincial championship will be played in Humboldt as the Badminton Provincials were held in Humboldt in 2016 and the Senior Boys Provincial Volleyball Championships were held at HCI a few weeks ago.