The Marysburg Royals took both games in their home opening double header on Sunday against the Saskatoon Dodgers.

The Dodgers opened the in game one with a first inning single, but the Royals answered with a pair scored off a single by Tom Hooker. Another pair scored by the Royals made the game 4 to 1. The Dodgers scored one in the 3rd off a Ryan Crilly triple and a pair in the 4th, but the Royals answered with another 2 runs in the fourth and slammed the door in the 7th with an impressive double play by Curtis and Luke Strueby

In the second game, the bats came alive for both teams as the Royals wrapped up the opener with a 10-7 win. Colin Bauml, Brody Froerichs and Brett Doepker combined their efforts on the mound. Nick Anderson, Brent Puetz, and Braden Bauml each hit homers. 

Next action for the Royals will be in Saskatoon on Wednesday against the Hoppers.