Studies say that you work 15% harder while you're listening to music.

Remember that the next time your boss says you need to work harder. Tell them to turn it to 11!

Do you listen to music while you're at work? I asked the question on the 107.5 Bolt FM Facebook page.

Kristen Rogers commented "Heck yes! Christmas music currently."

If it's Christmas music that makes you more productive, make sure you're tuned to 107.5 Bolt FM December 1. 😉

Paulette Haywood disagrees.  " distracts kids did their homework and studied with music on....could never understand it! But then everyone's different!"

I could see why some may find it a distraction, but I find I work much better when there's music playing. After all, I do work at a radio station.

Do you listen to music at work? Send a text to 320 7987.