With moisture falling in some areas, the long list of fire bans has slimmed down a bit. However many still remain in the local area.

Currently, a fire ban remains in effect in the following local areas. 

The RM of Hoodoo
Town of Vonda
Town of Wakaw
Village of Annaheim
Village of Naicam
Village of Jansen
Village of Clavet
Village of Spalding
Village of St, Benedict
Resort Village of Manitou Beach
Resort Village of St. Benedict

"It's very important to obey these fire bans, just for the simple fact that when everything is so tinder dry. It doesn't take much to spark a fire, and once a fire gets going, everything is so extreme that the fire spreads way faster than you can put it out," said Humboldt's Fire Chief Mike Kwasnica.

Citizens who want to get outdoors to BBQ are safe to do so. However, pit, barrel, field and any other type of open fire is not permitted.

"It's the backyard fires, the burning barrels, the burning of grass or trees in your acreages, we just don't want any of that to be happening right now, because it can get away from you pretty fast."

You can see all the Municipal fire bans by clicking http://publications.gov.sk.ca/documents/313/107139-daily-fire-ban-list.pdf