There's more fun in the sun cooking for youth in Humboldt and surrounding communities with the Saskatchewan Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Summer Programs for 2019. The SWIS initiative, a school-based program focusing on newcomer students, is part of the Humboldt Regional Newcomers Centre.

One of the SWIS workers, Brody Johb, has worked with colleague Sandra Hudyma to provide an exciting and varied collection of student activities running through the months of July and August. With field trips and activities centred both in and around Humboldt, the program truly has a regional outreach. 

This year's SWIS summer series kicks off in Leroy with an introduction to lacrosse. The sport has been gaining popularity in the province with the relatively recent arrival of the Saskatchewan Rush and the success of the Saskatoon Swat. 

Johb says that the lacrosse clinic will bring in experts and equipment. "We reached out to Chris Lesanko at Sask Lacrosse. They do a "try it for a day" program. They're going to do a morning session of grades 7-9 and then grades 10 - 12 in the afternoon. They bring all the equipment and kids get to try the sport for a day." Leroy's new arena with a concrete floor provides the perfect facility for a field test of the sport.

A bit later in the summer, participants have an opportunity to immerse themselves in First Nations culture and teachings with a visit to Wanuskewin Heritage Park just out of Saskatoon. The travellers will experience the arts of bannock and teepee making. They will also have a chance to walk along the river on the Meewasin Trail and find out more about the city of Saskatoon. The day will finish with a novel visit to a 3D glow in the dark mini golf course.

Other day trips include visits to Pike Lake and Manitou Beach for beach games and traditional games. As well, students can experience a different sporting perspective with a visit to Lanigan for a trial of sledge hockey and wheelchair basketball.

While the program is geared toward students in the area who are newcomers to Canada, the fun open for all to participate with space restrictions. Interested parties can connect with Brody Johb, Sandra Hudyma or the Humboldt Regional Newcomer Centre through their FaceBook page.