Early winter storms that dump multiple feet of snow on comminutes certainly have their burdens, but you can't rule out the fair share of positives they bring as well. 

With early snowfall in Humboldt and the surrounding area, the Carlton Trail Ski Club has announced their trails are now open for its members, a few weeks earlier than past years have allowed. 

"This is the first time in a long time that we have this kind of snowfall in November that allows us to ski at both the Dixon trails and the Golf Course trails," said Brian Grest.

5-6km of classic trails are currently set up at the golf course, to go along with a 3km skate trail. Meanwhile, at the Dixon location, a 4km skate trail is set up and a whopping 25km of classic trails await the local skiers.

Coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic, certain regulations have been put in place to ensure social distancing and health regulations are being implemented.

"The Dixon clubhouse is closed to do COVID reasons, so it is inaccessible. People would simply get out of their vehicles and go straight to the ski trails. Obviously, cross country skiing is an outside activity, so there is ample room for social distancing. All we ask is if people are skiing with their family, they can all stay together, but if there are other people around, just to give them at least two metres of distance."

The trails are based on membership, so the use of the trails is open to people who are members of the Carlton Trail Ski Club, and there's also a daily fee for those who aren't members. Individuals can become a member of the Carlton Trail Ski Club by visiting https://carltontrailskiclub.weebly.com/