With summer now open us, Humboldt and District Community Services is getting ready for another season of exciting activities.

For the 16th year, they are hosting a barbecue to raise money for summer events, says Executive Director Juanine Korte.

"The funds that we get from the barbecue goes directly to the programming. It helps offset some of the costs, such as horseback riding, swimming, day trips, bowling, there's lots of different activities throughout the summer."

The barbecue will take place at Civic Park on Thursday from 11:00am to 2:00pm.

In addition to the barbecue, HDCS is welcoming you to visit their new building for an open house.

Between 1:30 and 3:30pm on Friday, you can head to the new set-up, located at Chamney Platz on Main Street. There, you can get a glimpse of what they do.

"That's kind of why we decided to do an open house, just to let people see where we're at now," Korte explained. "In addition to our regular programming, we also have a job search resource centre for the general public in the community. They have access to computers, printing, photocopying, for their job search needs."

Korte added that they typically average around 23 participants in their programs throughout the year, which is the maximum amount they can work with.

"We try to provide what we can, but a lot of the children and youth that we support require one-on-one support throughout the program. Some can share caregivers, so it really depends on the need."

The summer program for youth and children with disabilities begins on July 5.

You can hear more from Korte below.