Today's question on the morning show was would you rather sit or stand all day long.

The poll that started on Monday night raked in over 90 votes. 63 percent of people stated that they would rather sit all day, while 37 percent would stand.

Now sitting wouldn't require as much work, but your body needs to move at some points throughout the day. Although moving around would be nice, but your legs would eventually get sore. Both have their pros and cons.

"I’ve been a hairdresser that was on my feet for 8 hours a day, and now work an office job where I sit for 8 hours a day. I miss being on my feet. Sitting all day is super hard for me and I can feel it on my body already," said Erin Paton.

There is one announcer here at the station, that I shall leave nameless, who has his smartwatch alert him it is time to get out of his chair.

It seems with a "would you rather" question it's either a win-win or lose-lose situation.