Watson families and visitors were out in full force both Friday evening and Saturday for the 92 Annual Santa Day. The oldest running Santa Day in the province did not disappoint were all the activities for young and old alike. 

It was standing room only in the Civic Centre for the wonderful meals provided by the Filipino community. The line was long, but the wait was worth it for the specially prepared noodles and range of mouth watering delicacies. 

Outside the Civic Centre, the Duck Mountain Ambulance Service was on hand, lights flashing to draw attention to the annual food and teddy bear drive. Scott Huckle with the service explained how the fill the truck event worked.  

“This is the third annual drive. We collect and donate through the Catholic Women’s League in town, gathering food hampers for families in need.” 

Just down the road, patrons were gathered for a baking and home-based business market, while across the street, the Watson and District Museum was open and ornately decorated with a host of Christmas trees next to a silent auction supporting the Museum.  

Later in the evening, Santa himself showed up for photos and rides, and everyone enjoyed a spectacular holiday fireworks display.   

The fun continued on Saturday with the family skate at the arena, afternoon movie at the school, and much more fun, culminating with the Supper with Santa event back at the Civic Centre. Congratulations to all the community groups who joined together for another successful holiday season kick off in Watson.