The past few days have been a busy one for the Humboldt Fire Department. 

Friday, April 30 started with an RV fire on the west side of Humboldt.

Darrell Wickenhauser, Deputy Fire Chief, gave some details of the event.

"The owner was on scene at the time. It is undetermined what the fire is, we haven't concluded where or what started it. It definitely started on the interior of the motor home and will be a total loss."

Then on Saturday, the crew was dispatched to a grass fire that started as a controlled burn that got out of hand.

"That was a controlled burn by a farmer and it got out of control because of the dry conditions we are having right now. As our temperatures rise, we are going to be seeing more of that. We are hoping that farmers can have a windbreak and a bit more water on hand for themselves to battle."

A reminder to all farmers to ensure you are reporting controlled burns so the dispatch knows where they are taking place.