I have lived here in Humboldt my entire life, all 20 years of it. I've had a lot of life lessons, and the community here has a way of making you a better person, for the good of society. Humboldt is an amazing place to live- there are an abundance of schools, plenty of afterschool programs, and there are many organizations in and around the city that do outreach work with local youth. The effort is clearly being made. But one glaring problem arises everytime the topic gets brought up. With all of the things to keep the younger generation of Humboldt occupied- we still have a large portion of our population that is essentially outcasted. 
What I mean by this- is that everyone in Humboldt has a spot or a purpose. Adults are here to teach, here to mold and shape young minds in our community and give us a basis of moral grounds. The elderly have a place as well- they have served the community throughout their entire life. Without our veterans of life- we would not have the knowledge we do to accomplish the things we do. Even children have an outlined societal position- to learn. To become ambassadors for tomorrow. Children take the lessons being taught to them, and use their lives to grow them and become integral parts of the communities they live in.
However, there seems to be one group all of us forget about. The youth. Young adults, millennials. Whatever you label them as- they are a group that has, through the years, been forced to evolve along with their changing environment. In any given setting, the young adult populous is always an outcast one. With no place to go and no clear purpose in society- it's no wonder why so many young people feel a never-ending yearning for something more. Yes, we all are of importance to our community. It would not function without all aspects of it. But when young people look around, and we see everyone has a clear-cut place in life, it leaves us to wonder where we fit in. We are not quite old enough to take over where our parents left off, and make this place our own, but we are too old to be relying on an older generation to guide us through anymore. This is something I like to call "The Goldilocks Complex."
Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears. One bowl of porridge was too hot, the other was too cold, you know the rest. When I say young people have a Goldilocks complex, what I mean is that in our minds, we are too old to sit back and watch the world unfold, but we are still too young to do anything about it. Some might argue that age doesn't mean anything. That you can change the world no matter who you are or your age. To those people- I pose them this question- you think we can change the world we have come into. But what skills have society armed us with to tackle the issues holding us back? Without a clear reason why we are here, and what use we are to the society we live in, how does anyone expect us to try to change the problems facing us, let alone care about them at all?