Each day, I wake up and say I am one day closer to graduation! And I think where has the time gone? It's hard to think that I am in Grade 12 when it feels like just yesterday I was in Kindergarten. The other day I was thinking my goodness my class are the last kids to go to a school that was born in the twentieth century. (Sorry to make you feel old) I am a 1999 birthday (On December 10th, I turn 18) and there are a few other students in my class who are also a 1999 birthday. I remember my first day of Pre-Kindergarten at Humboldt Public School and now here we are eight months from graduation that's unbelievable. Everyone told me going to high school, enjoy it because the time will fly and I didn't believe them but now I see what they meant. When I look back, I think "It's been one heck of a ride" and that is true. Everyone in my class I've either known since Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten or since Grade 9 and it's hard to think we'll be standing up on a stage in June receiving a scroll saying that we've graduated. All everyone talks about in my class is are you excited about graduation? and I say yes because I don't have to do work but in my head, I think no because I will miss my friends since we'll be spread out all over the country or North America. Time does fly, and if any of you that are younger than me are reading this, stay young because time flies!