With the phases of our economic re-opening happening in Saskatchewan, local business owners are asking for patience, particularly those with direct customer contact.

Once Covid-19 restrictions came into place, every Saskatchewan business was affected, whether it be through temporary closure or significant changes to their business models. Most have now re-opened, and all are putting in permanent changes to reflect the world that we now live in.

"The owners are asking folks to be patient as they support their businesses. The changes may include masks for the staff, customer limits at tables, table placement, take out only, pauses to clean between customers, physical distancing and directions on the floor," said Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Brent Fitzpatrick. "There can be many and varied procedures that are put in place. The critical point to all of this, is that the business, no matter who they are or what they do, are putting these measures into place to protect their staff and the customers."

Getting frustrated with the staff, or the newly implemented guidelines forced upon the business from COVID-19 doesn’t help. The goal remains the same, to flatten the curve and help to maintain that low infection rate in Saskatchewan.

Emails were sent out on behalf of the Chamber to the businesses asking for comments on this topic. The consensus among the businesses were that the vast majority of people are good, understand the situation, and have great empathy for the staff and owners. However, some of the comments came back showing their are some individuals with "shocking disregard for adherence to the rules."

While it remains of utmost importance to shop locally when possible to help stimulate the economy, individuals must remain patient and respectful of the new obstacles and guidelines set in front of us.