Saskatchewan residents can now request that the sex field on their driver’s licences and SGI-issued photo identification be left blank.

The blank designation indicates that no sex has been specified, in addition to the indicators available of “M” “F” or “X” (Unspecified).

“The option to have no sex designation on identification and licences is part of SGI’s commitment to inclusiveness,” said Penny McCune, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “We have customers who wish to refrain from identifying with any sex on their identification. This change gives them flexibility in how they are identified on SGI documents.”

The option is now available for all customers of SGI of any age upon request. No documentation is required to remove the sex designations and there will be no charge for making the change to a driver’s licence or photo identification card, stated SGI in a release.

SGI states that changes to accommodate individuals with diverse gender expressions or those who do not wish to disclose their sex are new and have not been universally adopted by all organizations, businesses and government agencies. SGI cannot guarantee that a Saskatchewan-issued driver’s licence or photo identification card with either the “X” sex designation or no sex (blank) designation will be accepted by other organizations, in Canada or internationally. Customers who request the removal of sex designation on SGI documents will be informed of the considerations stated SGI.