Tuesday night a friend and I were talking about the cravings we get when we're hungry.

It turns out that we would both get stronger cravings for salty foods rather than sweet foods. It got me thinking that the people of Humboldt must have their own cravings as well.

I posted a poll on our Facebook page and asked the people of Humboldt whether they crave sweets or salts. At the end of Thursday's afternoon show, the end result was that more people in Humboldt preferred sweet foods rather than salty foods.

It turns out that cravings only last 3-5 minutes, so if you hold out just a little longer it should pass eventually. There are also a number of reasons people like you experience cravings, such as hormone imbalance, emotion, pregnancy, and so much more.

Although cravings aren't all that bad. There could be a relation between cravings and nutrients because cravings may signal that the body is low on certain vitamins that make up whatever you are craving.

So I encourage you to eat that bag of chips or cake, your body might need it.