Rapunzel was this years production with the Missoula Children's Theater and Arts Humboldt. 

The entire week was very labor intensive for the students who sign up to be apart of this great production.

The week includes practice every day for a week and a show concluding the hard work with two showings on Saturday.

Attendance was approximately 120 people the first showing and 145 the second.

The participation was good just under 50 students from the schools were involved; however, they are always looking for more people next year. 

Plans for next year are underway, it will be the sixth year that Arts Humboldt has brought the Missoula Children's Theater to Humboldt and area.

The crowd, the kids, everyone was very into the play and enjoyed themselves.

During the second show some actors fell ill and others had to step in and they did their best.

Thank you to anyone who supported the Missoula Children's Theater including the corporate sponsor, Potash Corp. Lanigan.