Humboldt Collegiate, through an arrangement with its governing school divisions, operates one of the community's most valuable and best kept secrets in student support and education. 

The STEP program has operated for a number of years in a comfortable and supportive classroom environment at the Humboldt Gathering Place. The brainchild of Collegiate staff and administration, the off-campus student centre has been running quietly for years but making a huge difference in the lives of its students. 

With recent news of funding elimination for Cornwall Alternative School in Regina, and the subsequent backlash leading to a reversal of that decision, one may have had concern for the well-being of alternative programs like STEP. However, Horizon School Division Director of Education, Kevin Garringer, quells those concerns. Because of the success of the program, Garringer states there are no plans for anything but support for the program.

Garringer outlines how the STEP program operates, "It's really for those students where there's an opportunity for them to take some courses through a different model. Maybe it doesn't fit their schedule at the high school very well, so this is where there's a flexible schedule opportunity. There's flexibility in managing their course loads in a different way. Sometimes, there are life issues going on that make it impossible for them to attend a regular brick and mortar school. It really crosses so many aspects of students' lives where there's a significant need that prevents them from coming to class. Sometimes, it's just needing to pick up a class through the STEP program."

Garinger speaks glowingly of student success through the program. "We've seen great results in terms of student success and we continue to. The program is relatively new. The numbers continue to be stable. We're glad that the high school works for most kids. Where it doesn't work, even for students outside of Humboldt and there's an opportunity to pull those students, we do, and we've seen great success rates throughout the years we've had the program operating."

Along with the determined students, Garinger credits the teachers, aides, and leadership attached to the STEP program. "We've got great people working in the program."

As for funding of other alternative schools, such as Cornwall School in Regina, Garinger affirms that there is no connection and that the future of the STEP program is secure. Because STEP is overseen by Humboldt Collegiate, and the Collegiate's funding is derived with the cooperation of Horizon and Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Divisions, STEP is not subject to direct defunding. 

Garinger adamantly states, "I can tell you that there has never been an interest in doing anything but ensuring that the program continues to grow, and be vibrant, and support the needs of students where those needs exist. And we've certainly seen those needs exist in Humboldt and area."