There are two kinds of people in the world when it comes to Christmas Trees. "Artificial" and "The Real Deal" Which one are you? Let us know in out Facebook Page!

If you are the Real Deal kind of tree person. Then here are few TLC tree tips for your holiday spirited friend while it sits in the living room illuminating your home. 

• Look for a fresh tree with bright green needles.
• Crush a few needles in your hand. A strong evergreen fragrance is a sign of freshness.
• Bend back a few needles. If they snap or break in temperatures above -4 the tree’s not fresh.
• Use a tree stand that holds at least a gallon of water.
• Don’t leave the decorated tree near radiators, fireplaces, or any sources of heat or drafts.
• Always turn off the tree lights before going to bed.

Be sure to stop be the local JCI Humboldt Tree compund at the Humboldt Mall Parking lot!