Hello Humboldt!

I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me if I were to say that this was the warmest Halloween I've ever experienced in a long time. People were having a great time on Main Street going store to store gathering candy. Heck, it was such a great time even the parents got dressed up for this year's Halloween.

Another one of my favorite parts about this spooky day is the different decorations that people put up. Some people have an odd decorative skeleton. Some people though, go all out and they purchase the inflatables, the decorations that jump out at you, and even ones that light up.

And kids, if you're reading this here is a little tip for you, I grew up on a farm most of my life and rarely did anyone come out to our farm. Maybe a couple neighbours at most, but farmer always give out the most candy. So if you can convince your parents to take you for a ride out to the farms to grab some candy... DO IT!

Thanks to everyone who let me take a group picture! The costumes look great.

Stay safe and have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Spooky 1

Spooky 2

Spooky 3

Spooky 4

Spooky 5