It’s a holiday season staple and it’s back for its 20th-anniversary edition. The Humboldt and District Museum and Gallery’s Festival of Wreaths launched for 2019 on November 14 at the Humboldt and District Gallery. The annual fundraiser opened its doors with a reception along with an evening performance by Humboldt’s Dale Avison. 

Jennifer Fitzpatrick, Director of the Humboldt and District Museum and Gallery, explains that the Festival of Wreaths originated as a silent auction style fundraiser for the Friends of the Museum. Over the years, the event has evolved beyond home-crafted wreaths. It has become a seasonal display of the ingenuity and generosity of the area’s artisans and businesses.

“In the first year, we were primarily wreaths, and we realized that people had such creativity that we expanded. You’ll see photography, you’ll see gift baskets, and you’ll see a lot of great products from local businesses.”

The perimeter of the Gallery is laden with Christmas themed craftwork and eye-catching artistic wizardry. As well, the business community has been extremely generous for the anniversary year as the tables are covered with all manner of goods. The silent auction started with the reception and will continue for the next three weeks. 

Amid with the wreaths and other crafts and merchandise, attendees can also enjoy seasonal entertainment. Along with Dale Avision’s opening night appearance, a variety of other artists will drop in. The vocal stylings of Julia Ramsay will be on stage on Saturday, November 16. Maxine Moore and Joan Jackson make an appearance on November 23 followed by the St. Dominic School Choir on November 28. The entertainment wraps up on November 29 with an appearance by Humboldt men’s vocal collective, Table 18.

After 20 years of the Festival of Wreaths, Fitzpatrick is delighted with the continued community enthusiasm and participation in the event.

“I think it’s exciting that after you’ve been doing an event for twenty years that there’s still so much fantastic community support. We are always surprised at the creativity of the community and just appreciative to everyone who donates.”

The Gallery will be open with extended hours during the event: Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 - 5:00 pm and Thursday 12:00 - 8:00 pm.