The Horizon School Division has responded to the recent announcement by the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation about a second one-day strike following a continued impasse in negotiations with the Saskatchewan Government. 

“Our board and my office continue to honour and respect the process of negotiating between the teachers and the Government trustee bargaining committee. Our position, obviously, is that we will continue to support our families and staff, and the way that we need to do that as of Monday, is to make sure that families are aware that all activities whether they are extracurricular, regular classes, transportation, are canceled for all Horizon Schools on Monday, January 22,” stated Director of Education for the Horizon School Division Kevin Garinger. 

Despite ongoing talks, the Provincial Government and the STF have reached an impasse in their negotiations. On January 18, the STF declared a second province-wide strike to be held on January 22.

“We recognize this as part of the process to try and get from impasse to agreement, and it’s important that families are aware of what the processes looks like and certainly need to be very aware of situations where their children are being impacted in terms of their learning and their involvement in school.”