For some producers calving season is underway.

With that in mind it’s important to remind producers about a couple of key changes to the Beef Cattle Code of Practice.

Halsey Shaheen, an Intern Agrologist with Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture says one of the changes that came into effect on January 1st focuses on de-horning.

"You must use pain control and consultation with your veterinarian to mitigate pain that is associated with de-horning cows after horn bud attachment, so then it just goes on to say that you should do dis-bud the calf as soon as practically possible while the horn development is still at the bud stage so when calves are up to two to three months old."

The Beef Cattle Code of Practice reflects current beef management practices as well as identifies welfare hazards, opportunities and methods to assure the well being of the animal.

"You must use pain control and consultation with your veterinarian when castrating bulls over nine months of age and it also goes on to stat that you should castrate as soon as possible so as young as you can. One thing to note with this requirement is that in couple more years so January 1st, 2018, that will actually change to be six months of age, so even younger animals."

More information on the Beef Code of Practice is available on the National Farm Animal Care Control website or through Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture.